

Position Description & Duties

The Treasurer manages and directs the financial affairs of the State Council, serves on the Finance and Executive Committees, and is an Officer of the State Council.

Responsible To:
State Director


  • Maintain all financial records of the State Council required by law or by SHRM, with the assistance of the association management company.
  • Prepare, interpret, and disseminate financial status reports for approval by the State Council at scheduled meetings with the assistance of the association management company.
  • Prepare, receive feedback and submit the annual revenue and expenses budget for State Council approval.
  • Review, approve, and process all financial transactions for all State Council events and programs.
  • Oversee financial transactions and budgeting activities transacted by the association management company.
  • Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee.
  • Serve on the State Conference, Workplace Policy Conference, and Volunteer Leader Conference Committees with budgeting and income/expense monitoring.
  • Review, update, and communicate the Council and Chapter Leader Benefits annually.
  • Facilitate renewal of the association management company contract with the State Director.
  • Monitor, review, and communicate chapter payouts to State Council and Chapter Leaders.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the State Director.
Core Competencies:
  • Proficient understanding of the budgeting process.
  • Excellent time management and organizational Skills.
  • Strong written and verbal communication Skills.
  • Basic/Intermediate proficiency in Excel.
  • Team oriented.
  • Ability to advocate for the State Council and SHRM.
  • Ability to assist with recruiting potential WI SHRM State Council members.
  • Previous SHRM volunteer leader experience is preferred.

  • Must be a SHRM member in good standing.  SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification is highly desirable.
  • Regular attendance at State Council and Executive Committee meetings is expected.
  • Attendance at the WI SHRM Volunteer Leadership Conference and annual Strategic Planning Meeting is expected.
  • Attendance at all other WI SHRM events is highly recommended.

  • The Treasurer position is filled by the Treasurer-Elect and not by election. The Treasurer-Elect is nominated by the State Director and is elected by a majority vote to serve a one-year term.
  • May serve two consecutive one-year terms beginning the first day of January and ending the last day of December. May be reappointed for one additional one-year term for three years.

Last updated:  9/30/2024


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Contact Information


Annie Goffard, SHRM-CP

Ph: 920.265.0208

Term Start:  1/1/2024


Annie currently works at Oral Heath Partnership and uses her wide-range of experiences, charismatic heart, and deep-sense of loyalty to serve in the HR realm.  After attaining her Bachelor of Science degrees in Accounting and Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Annie was a finance manager, in charge of all financial transactions, before operating a successful certified home daycare for several years. She then joined a nonprofit as a bookkeeper, where she worked with the Finance committee and Executive Director to set and approve budgets, maintained all financial records, and provided financial status reports. She also pitched for an executive assistant role where she managed HR responsibilities and became highly skilled in recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orientation, benefit administration, and compliance. After gaining her SHRM professional certification in 2017 and experience with organizational strategic planning, she felt her diverse skillset would be best utilized in a full-fledged HR role and knew she would be passionate about giving back to the HR community. Using her experience as a parent as well as a past daycare provider, Annie understands many of the challenges employees face, making her approach unique. Annie has served on WISHRM’s Full State Council and Strategic Planning Chapter Support Committee, along with President of Green Bay Area Chapter SHRM, and has been an active member since 2018.


Additional Information



