
  • Nominations - State Council - Committee Descriptions
Council Position Overview

The Wisconsin State council is governed by officers and council members.  These positions are voting board members and represent North Central Wisconsin chapter members and SHRM at large members within the state who are not affiliated with any specific chapter.

Below is an overview of the council positions and how they serve the HR profession.

State Director
The State Director is the chief elected officer of the council and effectively establishes policy, strategies, and objectives consistent with SHRM, region and national board policies. The director provides guidance to all council members.   Click here for more information. 

State Director-Elect
The State Director-Elect works in conjunction with the State Director, during the State Director’s last term of office, in order to provide a smooth efficient transition period.  Click here for more information.

Past State Director
The Past State Director serves as a member of the state council providing the continuity of leadership. The Past State Director provides advice and counsel to the State Director.

The Secretary is responsible for assisting the State Director and other council members with various special projects and sits on the Nominations Committee and the executive team for the council. Click here for more information.

The Treasurer directs and maintains the financial affairs of the state council and sits on the Nominations Committee and the executive team for the council.  Click here for more information.

Membership Director
The Membership and At Large Director is responsible for providing leadership to membership activities in chapters, particularly assuring that chapter membership directors have access to resources necessary to recruit at-large SHRM members to chapters, local chapter members to SHRM, and non-affiliated HR professionals to both organizations. Click here for more information.
College Relations Director
The College Relations Director is responsible for assisting and promoting existing student chapter activities along with the formation of new student chapters.  The director serves as a communication link between student chapters, the National College Relations Committee, and National SHRM.  Click here for more information.

Communications & Social Media Director
The Communications & Social Media Director promotes awareness of the purpose and actions of WI SHRM through ongoing communication efforts and branding initiatives using social media tools. Makes sure that HR Professionals, both within and external to SHRM, are fully informed of WI SHRM resources and activities by using existing and developing social media. Works closely with other Council members to ensure that the Council is portraying a consistent and professional image to its members and to the business community at large.  Click here for more information. 
Workforce Readiness Director
The Workforce Readiness Director monitors and evaluates on a continuing basis state and local activities concerning workforce readiness issues, and works with chapter workforce readiness advocates to plan and encourage chapter involvement and activities impacting the workforce readiness arena.  Click here for more information.

Inclusion and Belonging Director
The Diversity Director is responsible for assisting members and chapters in valuing diversity in SHRM, our member companies, local communities and the workplace in general. Click here or more information.

Leadership Director
The Leadership Director is responsible for coordinating the leadership, volunteer, society and human resources-related training and development activities for the state council, SHRM chapters and their members. Click here for more information.

Certification Director
The Certification Director is responsible for identification, development, and implementation of the human resource certification activities for the state council, SHRM local chapters and at-large members of SHRM.  Click here for more information.

Conference Liaison Director
The Conference Liaison Director manages all activities related to coordinating an annual state council conference and assists with the coordination of other state council sponsored conferences, such as the state leadership conference.   Click here for more information.

Legislative Director
The Legislative Director is responsible for coordinating the state Legislative Conferences, and facilitates the selection process for the State Legislative Parnter.  Click here for more information.
Governmental Affairs Director
The Governmental Affairs Director is responsible for providing members with accurate and timely government-related information enabling them to assess the importance of proposed legislation affecting the entities they represent. The director also coordinates an annual legislative conference for SHRM members.  Click here for more information.
Foundation Director
The Foundation Director represents the interests of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the state. The director encourages chapters, the state council and state council members to contribute financially to the SHRM foundation.  Click here for more information.

Partnership and Sponsorship Director
The Partnership and Sponsorship Director is responsible for obtaining and retaining sponsorships for the State Council.  Click here for more information.

Programming Director
The Director of Programming is responsible for keeping chapter programming a high priority for the State Council and for providing a 'go to' resource for chapter programming issues.  Click here for more information.
District Directors
The District Directors serve as council representatives for a designated geographical area within the state. The director’s provide leadership and communication to further the SHRM goals and objectives between the council, existing and future members, SHRM professionals, and student chapters.  Click here for more information.

Chapter Presidents
The Chapter Presidents serve as chapter representatives for a designated chapter within the state.  The presidents provide leadership and communication to further the SHRM goals and objectives between the council, existing and future members and SHRM professionals.  Click here for more information.