Legislative Partner General 2022 Day on the H...
2022 Day on the Hill Event – February 9-10th
Location: Park Hotel, 22 S Carroll St, Madison, WI 53703

We are looking forward to our in-person event this upcoming February. The event will kick off with networking on Wednesday evening.

On Thursday, we have the following speakers:

Bob Gregg – Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group at the Boardman & Clark Law Firm

Jesus Villa - Administrator, Equal Rights Division at WI Department of Workforce Development

Farrah Rifelj – Partner at Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP

The three speakers have been in collaboration to discuss current trends and topics for this event. Some of the topics may be subject to change as the date approaches to keep us informed of the latest trends and new developments. As Bob stated - - - “Things Change and Old Issues Continue to Take on New Life!”  We plan to have the most updated information to share with all of you in its current state at this event. They also plan to not have information overlap and one will build on the other with their expertise in the subsequent sessions.

This will be an interactive day with questions and answers able to be asked throughout the sessions.

Topics to be discussed include:
New court decisions, expansive Executive Orders, Federal Mandates, Wisconsin Mandates, a flood of resignations, a drought in applicants, increased liability, new trends and developments, the hiring crisis, growth of Joint Employment, major changes to No Competes and Confidentiality Agreements, Equal Rights Division & Department of Workforce Development resources, discrimination & retaliation, age discrimination, wage & hour trends, misclassification, civil rights, employee misclassification, labor trafficking, religious accommodations, hybrid work environments, reasonable accommodations, re-assessment of your policies & practices, COVID, remote work environments, pay equity, diversity, marijuana & drug screen laws, validity of essential job requirements, current to-date employment law trends and areas for topics for conversation when we all head across the street to the Capitol! 

We will conclude the day with Legislative Meeting Preparation and Individual Legislative Meetings and/or a tour of the Capitol.

If you have any questions, please contact Erinn Stromberg at 414-704-1659.

The Day on the Hill Committee hopes to see you there!  Happy Holidays!

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Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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