Executive Coachin... General Stop Avoiding All...
Stop Avoiding All Conflict
Only about .05% of the world’s population actually likes conflict. Okay, I admit, I made that number up, but conflict is really not part of our nature as human beings. That being said, conflict is a natural part of life, work, and productivity. In fact, I would go so far as to say that some conflict is imperative to any high functioning team.

If your leadership team members are always agreeable and positive, quickly coming to decisions without too much fuss, your team members are NOT doing their job.

In order to achieve better outcomes, a team must be able to engage in a dialogue that is filled with creative tension. Imagine a loose rubber band without any tension. Unless it is stretched, it will not be able to do the job it was designed for, it will not hold things together. Now, imagine a rubber band that is stretched almost to the breaking point. Another ounce of force could make it break, rendering it useless. The sweet spot, somewhere in-between, varies depending on an organization’s ever changing circumstances. A team hitting either extreme of this spectrum is okay as long as it doesn’t stay there for too long.

In order to have an effective Leadership Team, creative tension lays at the foundation. Unfortunately, most of today’s leaders lack the emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills to engage their team in tough conversations. Here are just a few reasons why:
  • We take things personally and get defensive
  • We feel embarrassed or doubt ourselves
  • We need to blame someone
  • We disengage rather than reflect
  • We focus on our individual needs and goals
  • We play the politics
The first step in building your Leadership Team’s capacity for healthy conflict is to create a strong team commitment to achieving its objectives and purpose. That will take setting aside individual egos and agendas. Make trust and relationship building an on-going priority and the healthy conflict will help you reach your goals.

If you aren’t quite sure where to start, reach out and we can help you create a plan.

Blue Wysteria Coaching and Consulting

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