Leadership Director General Light Up Your Lea...
Light Up Your Leadership! 2019 Leadership Conference Recap
by Rachael Brady, Leadership Director
On August 1st and 2nd we held our annual Leadership Conference in Manitowoc Wisconsin, we had 119 attendees this year!  For those of you that might not be as familiar with the Leadership Conference, this event is for our volunteer chapter members.  It focuses in on leadership strategies that will strengthen your chapter, council or student group.  This is also a great way to network with other chapters if you are new in your board role or have a few years under your belt.  The committee works hard to bring you not only networking for best practices but speakers you can take back and incorporate into your board and profession.     

Highlights included:
  • James Robilotta as our Keynote Speaker.  James spoke to us on the application of Authentic Leadership, using his background in improve comedy.  We walked away feeling purposeful, empowered and real! 
  • District Directors did some pre-work and brought forward 5 topics of interest to our current chapter board members; we then discussed best practices for topics such as membership, certification credits, board leadership and engagement and providing quality speakers and programs.  That is only naming a few of the topics! 
  • Chapter Recognition! 
  • Kimara Ellefson as our closing Keynote Speaker.  Kimara gave us insight into key technologies and fresh ideas to take back into our workplace.  Helping us to make HR stand out! 
Thursday night the group headed over to the Maritime Museum for dinner on the roof deck, a band and the museum all to ourselves including a tour of the Submarine USS Cobia.  The Foundation rocked with a cork pull, balloon pop, and silent auction items.  It was such a great time getting to know all of the chapter board members and meeting new people!


Some of you that are reading this are members who are done with their chapter board role, or many of you are currently in a past president role.  If you are looking for your next volunteer opportunity, please consider joining WI SHRM as a leader or committee member.  One of the many reasons why we have one of the fastest growing professions is because of volunteers like yourself!  Throw your hat in the ring, what do you have to lose?  

I look forward to seeing you at the 2020 Leadership Conference August 6th and 7th at the Ingelside Hotel in Waukesha! 
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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