DEI and Workplace... General Check in with Emp...
Check in with Employees Because Mental Health Matters

While stigmas around mental health challenges are (slowly) breaking down, employees aren’t always forthcoming about when they are struggling due to fears of being judged and misunderstood, feeling isolated, or viewed as “weak.” 

And while many leaders want to be supportive, they aren’t mind readers. So what can we do to support employee mental health as we build a culture of inclusivity and belonging? 

Ditch the old-school “don’t ask, don’t tell” mindset and prioritize checking in with your team members through meaningful 1x1 conversations. 

The Power of Regular 1x1 Meetings
1x1 check-ins should be used for more than discussing projects or deadlines; they're a powerful tool for creating a safe and brave space where employees feel comfortable sharing when they are struggling and advocating for what they need to support their success. Through 1x1’s you build genuine and trusting relationships while gaining valuable insights into an employee’s personal and professional wellbeing. 

No problems? No problem. 1x1’s can still provide valuable insights to help you lead more effectively. The more you get to know each employee, the better understanding you will have of their unique "set point" – their baseline behavior and demeanor. By understanding what's “normal” for each team member, you can better recognize when something might be off. 

Questions to Ask 
If you’re not sure where to start, here are 6 questions you can sprinkle in during 1x1’s that will help you foster open and honest conversations: 
  1. How are you feeling about your workload lately? Are there any areas where you feel overwhelmed or underutilized?
  2. How do you think your skills and strengths are being utilized in your current role? Is there anything you'd like to be doing more of or less of?
  3. Have there been any changes or developments in your role or responsibilities that you're particularly excited about or concerned about?
  4. How would you describe the support you've been receiving from the team or from me in achieving your goals and objectives?
  5. Are there any aspects of our team's culture or communication that you think could be improved to better support everyone's success?
  6. Is there anything else you'd like to share or discuss that we haven't touched on yet? Your feedback and insights are valuable to me.

To achieve our workplace goals, we need to prioritize our people.
And doing that means fostering an environment where vulnerability is welcome, leaders listen, and leaders and employees are willing to collaborate to accomplish the best outcomes for all. 

The truth is that creating a safe space for employees to be honest about how they are doing and share when they are struggling doesn’t mean you necessarily have to fix all of the problems. You’d be surprised how effective listening without judgment, offering support, and being willing to collaborate can be. 

Here’s to breaking the stigmas and supporting employee mental well-being during Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond.  

Follow me on LinkedIn for more useful insights and actionable tips on embracing inclusivity and fostering a culture of belonging in your workplace. 
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