Employee Benefits... General Introvert Network...
Introvert Networking in an Extrovert’s World

By Kate Current, Director of Employee Benefit Operations

I work in insurance. Insurance is part art and part science, and a big part of that is relationship building. Sellers are often leaders, filled with charisma and charge who can easily work the room. And then there’s me; an introverted, project-managing service person who is “D” on the DISC. Introversion doesn’t mean that I dislike people, it simply means that I have different tendency when I interact and in how I recharge.

Introversion can be a handy tool in the leadership toolbox. It can mean that you listen more than you talk, you can keep track of lots of personal details, and you’re amazing in small groups and one on one. It can mean that you build deep and meaningful relationships that stand the test of time. But what does an introverted leader do in a room full of networking extroverts?
  1. Make yourself a networking plan. My coworker and I were nervous about attending a networking event for the first time, so we made a scavenger hunt: compliment someone, shake hands with someone wearing a suit, find out what a specific company does. When you have a plan, you implement a checklist. Complete the checklist and you can come and go from the event as you please. This technique also works particularly well at holiday parties!
  1. Be thoughtful about who you want to meet. I started with a running group; I am a runner, I like runners, they are like me. Then I joined a women’s professional group; we talked about our love of fancy notebooks and the pros and cons of sending out holiday cards. It wasn’t so hard after all.
  1. Invite others into your conversation. If you see that person with that all-too-familiar lost look, invite them in. Introduce yourself and ask a softball question. If the others in the conversation are far down a path, re-insert yourself and invite your new friend in. Pay it forward. 
Even the most experienced of us can pause when walking into a room full of strangers. What are your tips for working the room?
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