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Revitalize Reviews: 3 Tips that Actually Make a Difference

Understanding the Performance Review Blues
Let's face it – employees cringe at the prospect of potential criticism, while managers dread delivering tough feedback. Also, the subjective nature of evaluations can lead to disputes and dissatisfaction. And many perceive the process as a mere checkbox activity. A lot of effort that doesn't yield tangible changes.

Revitalizing performance reviews to foster better alignment between manager and employee expectations and to genuinely advance employee growth and performance requires a shift in perspective. The groundwork for this transformation begins well before the annual review commences.

Practice Review Revitalizing Behaviors
Here are things you can start doing today and throughout the year to create the environment for a more positive and productive year-end review experience:

1. Lead by Example: Cultivate a culture where feedback is seen not as a threat but as an opportunity for improvement. Set the tone by proactively sharing your performance goals for this year with team members and seek feedback throughout the year. This establishes a positive feedback loop within the team.

2. Invest in Continuous Connection: Bid farewell to old-school once-a-year reviews. Foster  continuous dialogue by introducing regular weekly or bi-weekly check-ins with employees. These ongoing conversations around goals and progress mitigate the stress associated with infrequent, high-stakes reviews.

3. Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection: Shift the focus from an unrealistic expectation of perfection to celebrating progress. Throughout the year, acknowledge and appreciate incremental improvements made by team members. By recognizing the journey and effort, you motivate employees to continually evolve and strive for their best.

By embracing these proactive strategies, it's entirely possible to transform performance reviews from dreaded annual encounters into stepping stones on the path to workplace excellence.

Visit our website for more everyday acts of inclusion to foster a thriving workplace culture: https://ridleyconsultants.com.

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