Workforce Readine... General Library Workforce...
Library Workforce Connection Workshop with WI SHRM - Portage Public Library - Cancelled and Rescheduled!

While it is always difficult to anticipate the severity of inclement weather, current reports are expecting snowfall in the southeastern Wisconsin area (beginning the afternoon of Thursday 3/9 and lasting through Friday morning 3/10) resulting in accumulation of 6 or more inches of snow in the Portage area and possibly providing hazardous driving conditions.
We’ve really been looking forward to hosting Friday’s in-person workshop at the Portage Public Library, titled Position Your Library to Provide Workforce Assistance to Your Community; that said, respecting the fact that some attendees were going to be traveling quite some distance throughout the state, it’s more important to be safe rather than sorry. As such, the workshop team agreed that it’d be best to cancel and reschedule the Friday workshop.
The rescheduled date for the workforce development workshop will now be Friday, May 5th, during the same time frame (9:30 am - 2:30 pm, lunch provided) and in the same space (the Bidwell Room at the Portage Public Library; 253 W. Edgewater St, Portage, WI).

Original Post:

The WI SHRM Workforce Readiness team is progressing in its partnership with LAWDS (Libraries Activating Workforce Development Skills). The first update is a name change for the LAWDS group to Library Workforce Connection (LWC).  

The first workshop of 2023 is scheduled to support this initiative and build a foundational partnership between WI SHRM and the local LWC specialists. We are looking for 5-10 WI SHRM members in this area to help facilitate the generation of ideas and future support. If you, or a member of your workforce readiness team is interested and able to join us on March 10th please e-mail me (workforcedirector@wishrm.org) and I will get you the registration link.

Date: March 10, 2023
Time: 9:30-2:30 pm (in-person attendance only)
Location: Portage Public Library – Bidwell Room
Focus: Build connections between WISHRM, librarians, and other workforce readiness service specialists in the surrounding area. Create partnerships at the workshop and gather ideas to be used to offer future public-facing programs and initiatives. Activities will be related to networking, collaboration-building and to discuss where WISHRM can support (i.e. offer speakers, resume workshop collaborations, etc.) in the local area.
Lunch will be served.

**LWC is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), Job Centers of Wisconsin, and Workforce Development Boards (WDB) to provide librarians across the state with continuing education opportunities enabling them to support Wisconsin job seekers who may not be able to travel to a job center or who hope to continue job search efforts outside of a Job Center.

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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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