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Partnering with SHRM is Good Business
By Sara Mackey, Statewide Marketing Consortium of the Wisconsin Technical College System

Wisconsin’s Technical College System, as one of the biggest training and education partners in the state, has a history of providing short-term and long-term programs for traditional students all the way through retirees who want to take personal enrichment programs to improve their skills in a particular area.

One of the many benefits of selecting a technical college for your employees’ training is that we provide many Professional Development Credits (PDC’s) that may be applied to SHRM-CPÒ (Certified Professional) or SHRM-SCPÒ (Senior Certified Professional). These classes will apply toward SHRM Recertification while also providing practical skills to help round out your abilities in the HR industry. Waukesha County Technical College in the Southeast portion of Wisconsin, just east of Milwaukee, features many business training options, and among those are the SHRM-approved recertification courses. You know when seeking out these courses, the credits will apply toward your Professional Development Credits.

Some of the current SHRM-approved courses Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC), Corporate Training Center currently offers include topics on import and export compliance, leadership development, talent management, diversity and inclusion, communication, continuous improvement, and many more.

In addition to the SHRM certifications, WCTC Corporate Training Options may include self-directed courses via Ed2Go or UGotClass, both of which are training opportunities that allow students to learn on their own time, online, and are taught by WCTC’s own instructors and in some cases, nationally known authors.

The staff at WCTC’s Corporate Training Center has many unique training opportunities at their fingertips, depending on the employers’ needs. Everything from customized training centered around employers’ specific needs, to workshops and events, business consulting opportunities, also Workforce Advancement Training Grants, which may cover 50 percent or more of your training costs. Another valuable course option provides training opportunities for Spanish speakers working in culinary and hospitality.

Now that you know a bit about the variety of workforce training options WCTC (and all of our other technical colleges) provide, it’s important to know why Wisconsin’s technical colleges are the provider of choice for corporate training. In addition to the variety of courses, the colleges provide experts on the subject. Many of them are nationally known, in fact. The benefits of working with us also include great networking opportunities. We can help connect you to other people and companies in the industry with the goal of promoting economic growth in the area. We can also help measure the success of the training via skills growth and productivity improvements, morale and profitability, all of which will lead to a significant return on your training investment.

If you want to know more about the outstanding opportunities provided by WCTC or any of our 16 technical colleges, please visit https://www.wtcsystem.edu/workforce-solutions/ and choose a college under ‘Workforce Solutions Contacts’ to speak with a college representative about what they offer. Your return on investment will be well worth it.

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Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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