Recognition Partner General A Company Store C...
A Company Store Can Make Your Life Easier!
By Joe Cull

A customized Company Store can offer many benefits beside just corporate apparel.

Did you know that a Company Store can be utilized for birthday gifts, on the spot recognition, holiday programs, job fairs and so much more!

Think of all the time you spend with coordinating just birthday gifts and all the numerous programs that a typical HR department overseas.

You can turn your Company Store into a recognition powerhouse! Available 24/7.

Royal Recognition can not only design a custom company store with your promotional items and custom corporate apparel - we can provide gift codes, gift certificates, etc. that can be used for single recognition or large scale programs, all under your complete control and with itemized accounting.

Want to do a special department recognition for a custom fleece... We can provide custom emails with embedded personalized gift codes that we send to your employees. They go on the site, review their sizing and color options and submit their orders. No more running around collecting orders, sizes, payments etc.!

A Company Store can help make your life easier, reduce your workload and automate your numerous events and programs. We can help you work "smarter, not harder."

Royal Recognition is the Wisconsin SHRM Recognition Partner.

Contact Royal Recognition to see how easy things can be….

Royal Recognition – 800-756-9122 – sales@royalrec.com – www.royalrec.com

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Wisconsin State SHRM Conference Kalahari Resort and Convention Center – LIVE and in person, how great is that!

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Wisconsin SHRM Council
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Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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