Worforce Readines... General Updated User Expe...
Updated User Experience Connects Employers with Wisconsin’s Technical Colleges
by Katy Pettersen

We’re proud to roll out a refreshed logo and redesigned user experience at WTCSystem.edu as part of an effort to continuously share the benefits of Wisconsin’s world-class technical colleges and make it easy for employers to connect with their future workforce.

In addition to information connecting employers with the colleges, the site now includes comprehensive information for prospective students and those who influence important college decisions, information previously maintained at wistechcolleges.org. This collaborative project is a joint effort of the Wisconsin Technical Colleges Marketing Consortium and the WTCS Office of Strategic Advancement.

At the redesigned WTCSystem.edu, scroll over each of the following headings and you’ll find:

Dedicated overview pages for each of Wisconsin’s 16 technical colleges, including links to college sites – users can select a college to filter site content including direct contacts with employer specialists at the colleges

Access to the highly-regarded “Career Quiz” to identify interest areas; a robust, searchable database of WTCS program offerings; descriptions of other tech college offerings; and the opportunity to request additional information including the annual guidebook, brochures for high school and middle school students, and more

Technical College Benefits
A detailed accounting of what makes a technical college education valuable and possible, including information on financial aid availability

Workforce Solutions
Valuable information for employers, and about the System’s employer engagement, including links to Handshake, the online job placement platform

Features WTCS Publications, priorities, newsroom, e-newsletter sign-up and more

Information about the System’s Mission, Vision and Values, as well as the WTCS Board, System Office, employment opportunities, staff directory and more

Please visit and explore the site and share this valuable resource throughout your networks. If you experience broken links or cannot find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@wtcsystem.edu.

You can also continue to engage with us on existing social media channels:


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Wisconsin SHRM Council
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Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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