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Workforce Readiness Update - July 2020
WISHRM Workforce Readiness Director Bob Von Der Linn has formed four committees to help promote SHRM National Initiatives in the Wisconsin HR community.  “The role of each committee is to identify relevant SHRM National resources, and existing Wisconsin-wide resources, and share them with local chapters.  We will encourage every chapter to partner with their local resources to support whichever initiatives are most relevant for their communities.”  The four committees are:
  1. Emerging Talent - Preparing high school and college students to enter the workforce
  2. Veterans at Work - Helping organizations attract, hire and retain members of the military community
  3. Getting Talent Back to Work - Helping the formerly-incarcerated transition back to the workforce
  4. Employing Abilities @ Work – Helping organizations hire, develop, advance and retain individuals with disabilities in their workplace
“Establishing these committees will serve a secondary purpose - establishing a pipeline of qualified, motivated, candidates for WISHRM Workforce Readiness Director in the future.”

Anyone is welcome to volunteer to participate in any of these committees. "These committees are a great opportunity for Wisconsin SHRM Members to get involved in their local community and get involved with SHRM at the state level.”  If you are interested, contact Bob directly at rvonderlinn@gmail.com.

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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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