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HR Games and Student Conference – March 2 – 3, 2018
HR's Got Game!
HR Games and Student Conference – March 2 – 3, 2018
We are excited to share that the 2018 WISHRM HR Games and Student Conference will be hosted by and held at Western Technical College in La Crosse, Wisconsin on March 2 – 3, 2018. For those who are unfamiliar, the WISHRM HR Games and Student Conference is a no-cost conference open to Wisconsin students who are planning for a career in human resources. The conference provides a valuable opportunity for students to engage with other students, network with Wisconsin human resources professionals, and participate (or watch others compete) in the games, all of which may just provide a jump start on their human resources career.

As in past years, the 2018 games and conference check-in and networking begins on Friday at 4:00pm, which is followed by dinner and the opening ceremony. Thereafter, participating student teams (of two or three) compete in a head-to-head jeopardy style competition where all categories and questions are human resources-related (i.e. laws, training, starts with "A", jobs). Teams generally compete in three rounds and finalists are announced at the end of the evening, prior to a brief networking/social event. On Saturday morning, the conference kicks-off with breakfast, followed by three engaging and informative learning sessions intended to help students improve their “hr game.” Lunch is then followed by the exciting, and sometimes intense, semi-final and final jeopardy games. Winning teams are announced at the closing sesison.

So, we ask, do you have game? Join us to find out! Encourage your local students to register to attend and participate in (or be a spectator of) the games. We also need Wisconsin human resources professionals to volunteer at the event. (Volunteers will be trained prior to the start of the competition.) Each competition room needs a timekeeper, a reader, a board technician, and a judge. It is an unforgettable experience, and we hope to see a number of human resources professionals from around the state volunteer and network with our human resources students -- the future of our profession!

Click here for more information. 2018 WISHRM Student Conference and HR Games | Wisconsin State Council SHRM Registration and lodging are open now through February 9, 2018. If you will have only one or two people in a room, please request the king rooms at either site (or single queen room at Candlewood) to allow larger sleeping accommodations for larger groups. Please email WISHRM College Relations Director, Tanya Hubanks, at tahconsults@yahoo.com if you have questions.
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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