State Director General January 2017 Stat...
January 2017 State Director Message
Message from Your WI SHRM State Director
Happy New Year Everyone!
I would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all the WI SHRM State Council members that served in 2016. A special thank you to Katie Walk, Past State Director, for her servant leadership and many accomplishments over these past two years. Every member of our council and state conference planning committee is an integral part of our success.  We all share a passion for volunteering, giving back to the communities we serve and advancing the HR profession.  Sometimes, it is difficult juggle competing priorities and still successfully manage our volunteer commitments. The state council and conference planning committee (along with chapter leaders throughout the state) deserve congratulations for all of their accomplishments!
As we begin 2017, I am humbled to serve as your Director and I am filled with both optimism and enthusiasm!  This year will bring new opportunities for all of us to have fun, network, volunteer, lead, learn, and advance our profession.  I hope you’ll take every advantage of many of these opportunities including our third annual WI SHRM Day on the Hill in January, WI SHRM Student Games in March, our state leadership conference in August, and our state conference in October.  More details on all of these conferences on our www.wishrm.org website.  Join us!
A quick look back to 2016 showed many successes, including a very successful state conference (with another year of record attendance levels), WI SHRM Day on the Hill, and WI SHRM Leadership conference.  In addition, ranked top 15 of Councils contributing to the SHRM Foundation, awarded first WI SHRM certification scholarship, and grew our membership across the state.  As a result of great council committee leaders, we’ve also made solid progress on our state council strategies.
I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions, ideas or feedback--I’d love to hear from you!  Thank you and Happy New Year!
Joanne Krueger, SHRM-CP, PHR
State Council Director
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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