State Conference Co-Chair Nominee Interest Form

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Please create and then select, for upload, a file which:

  • Includes your first name, last name, street address, city, state and zip code.
  • Highlights the number of years and roles you have had in any SHRM chapter or national role.
  • Highlights the experience you have had with the WI State SHRM Conference; provides an explanation of your role and years you were involved; and describes what you've learned from this experience.
  • Highlights other groups, events or professional affiliations that you have taken a leadership role in planning and describes how that experience helps prepare you to take on this position.
  • Describes any experience you have had with creating and working within a budget.
  • Lists the top three objectives that you would want to accomplish in leading the conference and describes any concerns or limitations you see in reaching those objectives?
  • Names a person with whom you wish to co-chair, if you have someone in mind. Please note they will have to submit a separate application.
  • Lists 3 references that experienced your leadership regarding the planning of a conference; please include their name, phone number, and explanation of why you feel they are qualified to comment.
  • Discloses any conflict of interests that you may have in assuming this role.
Upload PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) resume:
* Please enter the code that you see: Click here to get a new code
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
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