Worforce Readines... General Great News for Em...
Great News for Employers: State Meets Educational Attainment Goal
If you’re reading this, you know all too well about the drastic need for skilled employees in all industries. By all appearances, the construction economy is booming, manufacturers are setting production records, tech, and biotech companies are cropping up around Wisconsin, and the healthcare industry desperately needs allied health professionals. Yet, they could all be doing better if they could fill all the jobs available. An educated workforce is essential to the economic growth of our communities, and Wisconsin’s higher education institutions are motivated to succeed at educating and making students career-ready.

In 2017, the Wisconsin Technical College System, the University of Wisconsin System, and the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities banded together with the help of the Lumina Foundation (whose charter is to improve access to higher education) to increase the educational attainment of Wisconsin’s population.

A higher ‘attainment rate’ – the proportion of people aged 25-64 with an education credential beyond high school – equates to greater labor force participation, increased earnings, and a more substantial tax base. In 2017, Wisconsin’s attainment rate was 50.5%, above the national rate of 47.6%. The three higher education systems (Wisconsin Technical College, the UW System, and Wisconsin’s Private Colleges (WAICU) committed to working together to meet this initiative, branded as 60Forward. The goal of 60Forward is to reach 60% attainment by 2027. As of 2021, Wisconsin’s academic attainment rate rose to 54.7% compared to the national rate of 51.9%, a 30% increase from the highest to the lowest counties. Wisconsin’s attainment rate has since reached 64%, surpassing the original goal in about half the time allotted. 

The varied programs and credential offerings available through the technical colleges provide students with the skills needed to gain quality employment opportunities. For employers, they make outstanding job candidates and increase the educational attainment of our state’s workforce. High-paying careers build stronger economies and more robust, stable communities that offer a high quality of life.

This all means for employers that Wisconsin’s higher education systems are working together to bring you the educated, skilled workforce you need. Our technical colleges respond to workforce needs by working directly with employers in their areas. We are consistently modifying the number and type of program offerings to best match the needs of the communities we serve. Connect with your local technical college to learn more about our program offerings and how you might find—and hire—technical college graduates for your job openings.

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Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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