College Relations... General Meet the 2023 Cal...
Meet the 2023 Callie Zipple Scholarship Winner!
On Wednesday, October 11 in conjunction with State Conference, 13 student members of WI SHRM, gathered for our annual Student Conference and HR Games at the Kalahari Resort. Our time together included a WISHRM Super Speed Networking session where both students and WI SHRM professionals connected by answering a series of rapid fire “get to know you” questions while we shared stories on the microphone, the announcement of our 2023 Callie Zipple Scholarship Winner, and two rounds of Jeopardy style questions, where participants were given 30 questions on topics specific to the HR industry, where cash prizes were awarded to the top three participants of each round.

During our WI SHRM Super Speed Networking Session, participants were asked to move around the room, find someone they have never spoken to, introduce themselves, their major or background in HR and, in 90 seconds gather a response from their partner and share their own. It was a grand time hearing shares from questions such as, “what is your favorite season of the year,” “what song is your go to, feel good pick,” all the way to the more intricate, which did require some further explanation, such as “what is the WORST thing you have experienced thus far in the realm of HR” or even “craziest thing you have experiences in an interview.” It was a blast getting to make connections, laugh and engage with both SHRM students and professionals.

Following our networking, the 2023 Callie Zipple Scholarship Winner was announced! This year we had 12 applicants, from eight different Wisconsin Colleges, our most to date, which lets us know this opportunity to win $1,500 in scholarship is spreading amongst our WI SHRM channels. Criteria to apply included being enrolled in a WI institution, studying HR or a related field, service and a minimum of a 2.75 GPA.

A special thank you to this year’s judging panel, members of WI SHRM, who are also working professionals, who made the time to read all submission details for each applicant that included review of write up, resume and transcript:
  • Jennesa Johnson
  • Elaine Ruh
  • Annie Goffard
  • Laura Ungenmach

This year’s winner is Lauren Johnson of UW- Eau Claire! Lauren is working to acquire her Bachelor of Business Administration – Human Resource Management and Marketing. Lauren is team oriented as she likes to work with all types of people towards a common goal. While she shared a variety of details, volunteer experiences for her include being a member of the Society of Human Resource Management as a member first but then in their Junior Year, Vice President, and currently in Senior Year, President.

Following her win, a series of questions were asked to Lauren. Please do read the interview below with Lauren.

WISHRM College Relations: What motivated you to apply for the Callie Zipple Scholarship?

Lauren Johnson: I heard about the opportunity to apply for the Callie Zipple Scholarship through the professional SHRM chapter in my area. I was excited to apply because I have loved my time spent with the SHRM chapter here at UW-Eau Claire. It was a great opportunity to be able to share how much SHRM means to me, while also having a chance at winning the scholarship!
WISHRM College Relations: In terms of your future career, what do you desire to do in the field of HR and why?

Lauren Johnson: I look forward to starting my career in the field of HR following my graduation this upcoming May. I hope to start my career off on the path to becoming a generalist. There are many aspects of HR that I have enjoyed learning about, and I want to spend some time in a role that will allow me to experience many different facets of HR, rather than specializing right away. A longer-term goal for me is to move up into a manager as well as a director role someday. Helping people has always been a passion of mine and I look forward to doing just that as I enter into my career.
WISHRM College Relations: What does it mean to be selected for this award as you learned more about Callie Zipple?

Lauren Johnson: While writing my application for the scholarship I took some time to read about Callie Zipple and learn about her accomplished life as an HR professional. It was cool to discover that her and I had quite a few things in common. However, the one thing that stuck out to me most was finding out that she was also the president of her SHRM student chapter while in college. I am grateful to be chosen as the recipient in her honor and look forward to starting my career with Callie Zipple in mind. Her story has inspired me to reach for all the goals that I have set and become the HR professional that I know I can be.

It is always exciting to be able to award this scholarship in of Callie Zipple, and her impact to the world of human resources.

The culmination of our time ended with two rounds of 30, Jeopardy style questions, in which participants logged in using their cell phones on the Factile Platform. They could wager funds, pick categories, and make connections to vocabulary, laws and common ideas in the space of Human Resources. Categories included: HR Exams & Certifications, Employee Relations, HR In the News, Benefits, HR Law, and to play into the time of year, Spooky HR Happenings.

WI SHRM is proud to share that the winners for our two rounds included cash prizes, where we awarded $1,900 out to our student participants.

A wonderful event, once again!
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©2022 Wisconsin Society for
Human Resource Management Council
Wisconsin SHRM Council
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: (608) 204-9827
Email:  wishrm@morgandata.com
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