Recruitment - Sta... General Leveraging Mature...
Leveraging Mature Workers in a Tight Labor Market

In the face of Wisconsin’s remarkably low 2.5% unemployment rate, many employers are re-evaluating their recruiting efforts to engage untapped or under-employed candidates.  Some are finding that retired or semi-retired job seekers may offer a potential solution.
In addition to filling the immediate labor gap, employers can derive benefits from hiring mature workers which may include:
  • Unique training opportunities capitalizing on what workers have to offer.  More experienced workers can often train less experienced workers in soft skills, while less experienced workers can often train more experienced workers in necessary technology skills.
  • The return on investment is often higher because mature workers are often highly skilled and more resilient under stress having had prior experience navigating difficult situations.
When looking to build a hiring model that includes engaging retirees, there are some key items as indicated below that should be taken into consideration to ensure a successful employment relationship.
  • Offer additional flexibility with regard to full-time/ part-time status and potential remote work.
  • Consider modifications to the duties and day to day requirements.
  • Communicate the duties and expectations clearly. What are the essential physical requirements for the role?
  • Make onboarding easy and efficient by limiting paperwork and unnecessary hoops. Eliminate as many barriers to completing the onboarding process as possible.
In Wisconsin’s tight and competitive labor market, taking these steps will allow employers to leverage a proven and under-utilized pool of workers to meet their immediate needs while at the same time enhancing their overall productivity.  Further, diversifying and enriching their current workforce with a wider breadth of skills and experience may provide additional employee development and training benefits.

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