Recruitment - Sta... General Job Seeker Interv...
Job Seeker Interview Preferences and Insights
At Celerity, and like so many other employers, virtual interviewing became widely used during the onset and through the various stages of the pandemic. As soon as some normalcy returned to the business environment, Celerity reinstated offering in person or even custom hybrid multi-stage interviews.  We continue to give candidates the option to interview in person, virtually, via phone or hybrid, depending on their preference, coupled with the preferences of the employers we serve.

Virtual interviewing in particular has proven to offer many benefits to employers and candidates including ease of scheduling, convenience, cost savings, and potentially wider candidate pools. However, while the virtual tool has become an asset and is here to stay, survey information shows that job seekers still prefer the opportunity for a face-to-face connection.

The American Staffing Association Workforce Monitor® online survey conducted by The Harris Poll indicates that the majority (70%) of people actually prefer to have the opportunity to meet with a prospective employer face to face.  The survey also revealed other insights about the interview process.

For example:
  • Roughly two- thirds of participants indicated they felt the need to make changes to their appearance prior to an interview.
    • Nearly 75% of Hispanic American respondents indicated that they felt the need to change how they present themselves- compared to only about two-thirds of white respondents.
    • Black Americans were 50% more likely to report they felt the need to shave prior to an interview as compared to their white counterparts.
    • While only 1 in 10 white participants felt the need to cover tattoos or remove body piercings, Hispanic American and Black American participants reported this concern at double that rate.
  • The poll revealed that women are on average about 10% more likely to research the company in advance and prepare both potential answers and questions to ask during the interview.

Given the poll results, organizations may want to consider how they approach their recruiting and interviewing processes. Is each job seeker being given an opportunity to represent themselves in the manner that provides an opportunity to make the best impression possible?Is the organization sending clear signals that they value skills and experience over outward appearance and superficial presentation? These considerations may have strong implications for attracting top talent in a competitive market.
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